When Madelyn was about 13 months old we decided it was time to start trying for another baby. I wanted them to be about 2 years apart. I also wanted them to be in the same season in case we were to have another girl...that way the clothes would be able to be used again. In August of 2006 we found out we were having baby number 2. It was exciting for me, but different this time. I kept thinking, how could I love another child as much as I love Madelyn. I remember saying this to my cousin's wife and she told me I would love my second just as much as my first.
About 9 weeks into my pregnancy I started spotting. I freaked out. I had no trouble whatsoever with my first pregnancy. This really scared me. I called my doctor's office and had to leave a message for the nurse to call me back. It seemed like hours before I heard back from her. I called my sister freaking out and she calmed me down by telling me there was no need for me to be so upset, it would only harm the baby. The nurse finally called back and told me I was probably ok, but that I could come in that afternoon just to be checked out. My sister and I loaded up Zachery (my youngest nephew) and Madelyn, who were only a year old at the time, and went to the doctor. I was only 9 weeks, which is a little soon to hear the heartbeat, but they tried to see if they could find the heartbeat...nothing. The nurse did a quick ultrasound to see if she could find anything. She couldn't find anything and sort of gave us the impression that I had lost the baby. She took my blood to have the beta count done and said that she would call me the next day to see if the count was where it should be. The next day she called to let me know the count looked good and to come in the next morning first thing so the doctor can do an ultrasound. The next day, 2 days of waiting, my mom and I got to the office first thing so the doctor could do an ultrasound and then we saw it....a little heart beating! My mom cried and I was so thankful! Turns out, I was only about 6.5 weeks along and that everything was fine! The April 21 due date got moved to May 13, Mother's Day.
We found out in November or December that we would be having another girl. I was secretly excited because we had all of those little girl clothes that needed to be used again! :) Poor Jeff, all he was seeing was a pink future...instead of blue.
The rest of my pregnancy was uneventful, which is how I like them. About 4 weeks before the baby was due, I had an ultrasound to check the weight...since Madelyn was so big I wanted to have an idea as to what to expect. The tech noticed something not right with baby's kidney and just said for us to have the pediatrician check it out after she was born.
I walked and walked and walked everyday. I wanted this labor to be easier than the first. No pitocin if I could help it! I woke up at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 12 feeling contractions. It didn't feel like those false contractions I had been having for weeks. I came downstairs and messed around on the computer for a couple of hours while timing the contractions. Finally around 7:30 I felt like this was it! Time to wake Jeff up so we could start heading to the hospital. I called my sister so she could come pick up Madelyn and help me get ready. No answer. Talk about scaring a pregnant woman who's in labor! I was finally able to get an answer after the 3rd or 4th time trying and their whole family came over to help. She encouraged me to stay at home for as long as possible. I tried holding out, but was anxious to see how far along I was. This was a completely different experience than the first time around.
I think we got to the hospital around 10 or 10:30 and was admitted right away. The nurse kept asking me question after question to get me checked in....and I kept asking for an epidural! I think she asked me every question under the sun and Jeff finally said, "Is this necessary?" Those of you who know Jeff, you know he had had enough if he said something! After the 100 questions were over I was finally given the epidural and was able to relax. They decided I was progressing well enough on my own and that they wouldn't break my water, which I was totally fine with. As I was laying down, resting, she moved really hard and we heard a pop. My mom looked at me and I said, "I think my water just broke." It was the weirdest thing! Sure enough, it had! When I asked for a towel, the nurse asked why? Uh, HELLO!?! I'd like to wipe my legs off! Staying true to the first labor, I then started vomitting. This let me know it wasn't too much longer.
At a little after 3:00 I was ready to push. We had to wait for the doctor! I think the nurse would have delivered had it taken him much longer to get in the room. When he finally arrived, he had Jeff suit up...he was going to deliver his own baby. (Jeff though he was joking.) About 3 pushes later, my Mother's Day baby had arrived!
Samantha Jane ended up weighing 8 pounds and 8 ounces. A whole pound smaller than big sister! It's true, I loved this baby just as much as I loved my first born.
Samantha is a true blessing, even in all of her silliness! I love her so much and I couldn't imagine life without her!
You picked the perfect picture for this Silly Goober! :)